3 Book Gold 7 Book Diamond
7 Book Diamond - $970 for Maximum, Repeated Reach over 1 Month for up to 7 Books

7 Book Diamond is a great way to highlight yourself as an author and promote up to 7 of your books to 1.25 Million+ Readers. Get on the fast track to building your readership and your brand.

What exactly is 7 Book Diamond?

1) 7 Book Diamond is an Author Spotlight and Author Book Promotion slot that lets an author introduce themselves to our readers. 7 Book Diamond also lets an author promote up to 7 of their books to 1.25 Million+ Readers

2) 7 Book Diamond reaches 1.25 Million+ Readers, 181,800+ Email Subscribers, and 509,800 Readers on Twitter

3) 7 Book Diamond reaches the maximum number of our readers, and you reach many of them repeatedly over the course of a month

4) As of Nov 26th, 2016 we only take 1 7 Book Diamond slot per genre per month, and only 23 a month total. If we can't run your book we'll let you know why.

5) This is a REACH slot focused at maximum reach. There are absolutely no guarantees. 95% of our free book promotion slots hit the target or exceed it. 92% of our $1 book promotion slots hit the target or exceed it. However, for a month long slot that takes a huge amount of work to run, reaches so many readers, and allows for up to 7 books at any price, there's no way we are going to guarantee anything. It's up to the quality of your books and how well they fit with our readers

Now, let's take a look at the 9 Great Benefits of 7 Book Diamond i.e. What 7 Book Diamond will do for you as an Author

Very Important: If you have 3 or less books please choose 3 Book Gold slot instead ( https://booksbutterfly.com/bookpromotion/3-book-gold/ )

Benefit #1 - REACH! Reach an immense number of readers

7 Book Diamond is the absolute best way to reach a lot of readers, repeatedly. You reach 1.25 Million+ Readers. You reach these readers, and you reach many of them multiple times

What's even better than reaching 1.25 Million+ readers with your book? Reaching them with up to 7 of your books.

You can promote up to 7 of your books. It's best to include one or more discounted books. If you have a permafree we will include that as an additional 8th book for no extra charge. Very Important: Stores hide results for permafree books. To see ACTUAL results for permafree books share the files with us and we'll create bitly links that will show you how many people actually download your books

Buy 7 Book Diamond and Reach a HUGE Number of Readers

Benefit #2 - READERS! Reach Readers almost Everywhere they go to find books

We have been curating books since Jan 2008. We have built up channels that cover almost every conceivable avenue for finding readers. With 7 Book Diamond you reach readers almost everywhere they find books

1) Reach readers who prefer websites and blogs. We have 120+ websites and blogs

2) Reach store specific blogs. We are the only book promotion site that has separate dedicated blogs and email lists for Kindle, Nook, Apple, Kobo stores

3) Reach genre specific blogs and email lists. We have blogs and email lists for 23 main genres and 40 additional sub genres

4) Reach readers on Twitter. With 7 Book Diamond you reach 509,800 Readers on Twitter

5) Reach Kindle Unlimited subscribers. We have approximately 30,000+ Kindle Unlimited subscribers

6) Reach readers using mobile phones and tablets. 90% of our blogs and sites are optimized for mobile phones and tablets. Reach readers who check our mobile sites from their Apple and Android phones and tablets

7) Reach readers in 100+ countries. Please Note: 70%+ of our readers are in the US. Next biggest readerships are: UK, Canada, India, Australia

We have set up channels for nearly every set of readers. You get to reach readers on all these channels. We have been building channels and sites for readers since January 2008. Not only do we have loyal readers who have been with us for 9 years, we also reach a lot of readers which no other marketing and promotion channel can reach.

Buy 7 Book Diamond and Reach Readers Everywhere

Benefit #3 - Introduce Yourself to Readers who Give Indie Authors & New Authors a Chance

Since Jan 2008 we have focused on readers who are willing to give new authors in general, and indie authors in particular, a chance.

With 7 Book Diamond you get a chance to introduce yourself to them, and give them a taste of your books (it helps to have at least one discounted book)

Every 7 Book Diamond slot includes

a) A dedicated author introduction blog post on the relevant genre blog. We can interview you, add links to your author page and Twitter and Facebook accounts, include photographs, book trailers and excerpts (of up to 7 books).

b) Tweets that include your Twitter Account and Book Links. Please Note: Links to your Twitter account will only be included in Twitter accounts relevant to your books' genres

c) Promotion of up to 7 of your books to our readers over a month. Readers get to see more of what you have to offer

Introduce Yourself and up to 7 of Your Books... to Hundreds of Thousands of Readers ... and Create Your Brand

Buy 7 Book Diamond and Create Your Brand

Benefit #4 - Reviews

Some of the readers who buy your books will leave reviews.

Please Note: Reviews vary a lot by book and genre. Our readers tend to only review books they like.

Special Bonus: If you are willing to share your book files with us, we will send out a dedicated post on ReviewSt (for the list and blog for your genre) asking for honest reviews for your book in return for a free copy of your book.

Important: This slot is for one book. Only 1 of your books will be shared on ReviewSt

ReviewSt is our sister company which focuses on helping authors get reviews in return for a free copy of their book. You get the equivalent of a Review Diamond slot (if you want it). ReviewSt - www.reviewst.com/getreviews/

Buy 7 Book Diamond and Promote 3 of Your Books to 1.25 Million+

Benefit #5 - Unprecedented Visibility

With 7 Book Diamond you get Unprecedented Visibility over the course of a month for up to 7 of your books

a) Your Book Covers on our genre blogs - all month. One of your book covers will also be shown on the main blog posts and on country blog posts

b) Tweets across our various Twitter accounts - reach 509,800+ readers on Twitter

c) Up to 7 of your books promoted to our 1.25 Million readers

Please Note: Promotion is on different channels every day. We are not promising 'every channel every day'. We will promote it across all our channels over a month - different channels on different days
Please Note: Your 7 books will be promoted together, not separately - 90%+ of the time promoting them together as an Author Special gets better results

Buy 7 Book Diamond and get Unprecedented Visibility

Benefit #6 - Rankings & Author Ranks

One of the biggest benefits of promoting 7 books across the course of a month is that it helps your rankings and your author rank

Very Important: You will only get the full benefit of increase in rankings and author rank if one or more of your books are discounted. As a new author you need to have one book discounted (or one book permanent free) to allow readers a chance to test the waters.

Buy 7 Book Diamond and Reach Hundreds of Thousands of Readers

Benefit #7 - Word of Mouth

One of the biggest benefits of reaching 1.25 Million+ readers is that these readers will talk about your book if they like it. This is even more significant given that you will also be reaching 509,800 Readers on Twitter

Again, it really helps to have at least one of your books discounted or free to make it easy for readers to take a chance on it

Buy 7 Book Diamond and Promote 7 of Your Books to 1.25 Million+

Benefit #8 - Ultimate Twitter Boost

7 Book Diamond comes with one free Twitter Diamond slot for EACH book. You can use this slot during the 7 Book Diamond promotion or you can use it anytime within one year of the promotion

Twitter Diamond reaches 226,300 on Twitter readers. You get one Twitter Diamond slot for each of your books when you get 7 Book Diamond. You can see the details of a Twitter Diamond slot at our Over $1 Book Promotion Slots page (https://booksbutterfly.com/bookpromotion/paidebookpromotion/)

Buy 7 Book Diamond and get 7 Twitter Diamond Boosts

Benefit #9 - Reach All Our New Readers First

7 Book Diamond includes a special benefit - you get introduced to all our new readers FIRST. Every day we have 1,000+ new readers sign up for our email lists, sites, and Twitter accounts. With 7 Book Diamond your books are included in the welcome emails sent to new email subscribers, they are tweeted every few days so most new Twitter followers see them first, and they are given #1 placement on blogs amongst book covers, so readers see them first.

These new readers are usually the most enthusiastic and they will see your books first

1,000+ new readers a day means that over the course of a month long 7 Book Diamond book promotion, you will have 50,000+ new readers see your books FIRST

Buy 7 Book Diamond and Reach Readers FIRST

Biggest Thing to Know about 7 Book Diamond

7 Book Diamond lets you promote your books and introduce yourself to hundreds of thousands of readers. Across the course of a month you will reach 1.25 Million+ readers and will reach many of them multiple times. You will reach them with up to 7 of your books

That sort of reach is only possible in a handful of promotion channels. The biggest difference with us is that EVERYONE on our sites and email lists are readers who signed up looking to find books

We've found that fundamentally, readers are looking for authors. Most promotion channels and bookstores will throttle visibility and try to prevent you from building a reader base. We want the exact opposite - that you build up your readership and become independent in reality, not just in name. That's why we allow promotion of up to 7 books in 7 Book Diamond (additionally, you can throw in 1 permafree book for no extra charge). We want to help you build a readership, bypass all the middlemen, and get the lion's share of the value you should be getting from readers.

Buy 7 Book Diamond Now

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