8 Main Benefits of Promoting Your Book with Books Butterfly

You will get 8 Main Benefits by promoting your Free Book or your $0.99 Book or your $0.99 Box Set with us -

1) You will Reach 4 Million+ Total Readers and 614,000 Daily Active Readers who will discover your book and discover you. Some of them will download your free book or buy your $0.99 book. Some of them will borrow your KU book. The rest will find out about you and will know that we recommend you as an author worth their time and money. This makes them likelier to buy and download your books the next time you can get your books in front of them.

2) You will Reach approximately 50,000 Kindle Unlimited Subscribers who will see your book and find out about you. If they like your books they might borrow one or more of your books. Please Note: We have over 1 Million Android Readers on devices focused on Kindle Store. The figure for Kindle Unlimited Subscribers might be significantly higher than 50,000

3) You will get downloads for your free books. You will get Paid Sales for your $0.99 books and $0.99 box sets. You will only pay for actual results.

4) You will get KU Borrows of your books. Many authors are getting as many KU Borrows as Paid Sales. Some authors are getting 2 to 3 times as many KU Borrows as paid sales. Please Note: KU Borrows and Pages read happen over weeks, not in the first few days

5) Downloads and Sales you get from our readers will increase your sales rank. This will lead to other readers seeing you in the store lists and finding out about you and your books.

6) Some of the readers who buy your book or download your book, during your promotion with us, will become lifetime readers and buy your remaining books.

7) Readers who really like your books will sometimes leave a review. Whether or not reviews are left, as well as the number, varies per author and per book. We do not currently track this. We have seen several cases where our readers left reviews for books we had promoted soon after the promotion had been done.

8) You will reach readers in Kindle, Nook, Apple, Kobo stores. You will reach readers in 120+ countries.

What You Pay For, and What You Don't Pay For

You Pay for:

1) Actual Results. For Paid Book Slots you pay only on the basis of paid sales. For Free Book Slots you pay only on the basis of free book downloads.

We guarantee results. We are one of only two marketing channels for book promotion, which guarantees results and offers a prorated refund in store credit. You pay only for actual results.

While you get many, many benefits (listed below) - you pay only for actual results.

You Do Not Pay For the Following Benefits:

1) Visibility and Reach from getting your book in front of our 4 Million+ Readers and 614,000+ Daily Active Readers. In any traditional marketing setting like print or TV or radio, you would have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to reach so many readers.

2) Reaching readers across a variety of different channels - Android Apps, Apple Apps, Twitter, Windows Apps, Nook Apps, blogs, email lists, websites, vertical search engines. We reach almost every channel you will find your future readers on.

3) The Tail of Increased Sales after the promotion is over. Sales and Downloads will usually be higher, than your pre-promotion baseline, for 3 to 10 days after your book promotion with us ends. All the sales or downloads you get in this 'tail' period are a bonus.

4) Many KU readers and many non-KU readers will download your books during our promotion and read them over the next few weeks and months. This leads to a steady trickle of follow-on sales and KU Pages read earnings. Authors have told us that our follow-on sales are in line with what good book promotion sites generate.

5) In many cases your book will become a Genre Bestseller. Both on the paid side and on the free side, the books we promote often become Genre Bestsellers. Authors we've worked with have used this Genre Bestseller status to negotiate for movie deals, discuss business opportunities, and to establish themselves as subject area experts. Best of all, you can add it to your book description and increase book sales. Please Note: Because of our reach in 120+ countries you will sometimes reach Genre Bestseller status in multiple countries making you an international genre bestselling author.

6) Users signing up for your email lists and visiting your website. Make intelligent use of your book's product page at Amazon - include a link to your email newsletter. Include email signup links on the 1st and last pages in your books. Smart moves like that will allow you to add email subscribers to your email list. Then you can offer these readers your other books.

7) With our book promotion packages you are part of the core of the email and blogs and not a banner ad that is ignored or an ad that is switched off.

Promote to 4 Million Readers

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