Refund Policy for Platform Packages

Platform Gold - There is absolutely no Refund for Platform Gold. It's a lot of work every single day to add readers to your Twitter Account and Email List. We will add real people who are readers and who buy books. We make absolutely no guarantee on whether or not they will buy your books. We strongly recommend testing once a month by promoting a book deal or a book release to them, using the Twitter account and Email list we are building for you, and measuring results. We do allow cancellation at the end of each month (please see cancellation policy)

Platform Diamond – There is absolutely no Refund for Platform Diamond. It’s a lot of work every single day to add readers to your Twitter Account and Email List. You also get an entire app built for you and that is also a lot of work. We will add real people who are readers and who buy books. We make absolutely no guarantee on whether or not they will buy your books. We strongly recommend testing once a month by promoting a book deal or a book release to them, using the Twitter account and Email list we are building for you, and measuring results. We do allow cancellation at the end of each month (please see cancellation policy)

Platform Pearl – There is absolutely no Refund for Platform Pearl. It’s a lot of work every single day to add readers to your Twitter Account and Email List. You also get an entire app and your own website built for you and those are also a lot of work. We will add real people who are readers and who buy books to your Twitter Account and Email List. We make absolutely no guarantee on whether or not they will buy your books. We strongly recommend testing once a month by promoting a book deal or a book release to them, using the Twitter account and Email list we are building for you, and measuring results. We do allow cancellation at the end of a month (please see cancellation policy)

Refund Policy for Growth Packages

Growth Gold - There is absolutely no Refund for Growth Gold. It's a lot of work every single day to add readers to your Twitter Account and Email List. We will add real people who are readers and who buy books. We make absolutely no guarantee on whether or not they will buy your books. We strongly recommend testing once a month by promoting a book deal or a book release to them, using the Twitter account and Email list we are building for you, and measuring results. We do allow cancellation at the end of each month (please see cancellation policy)

Growth Diamond - There is absolutely no Refund for Growth Diamond. It's a lot of work every single day to add readers to your Twitter Account and Email List. We also improve your book pages for you and that is also a lot of work and our experience of 11 years. We will add real people who are readers and who buy books. We make absolutely no guarantee on whether or not they will buy your books. We strongly recommend testing once a month by promoting a book deal or a book release to them, using the Twitter account and Email list we are building for you, and measuring results. We do allow cancellation at the end of each month (please see cancellation policy)

Growth Pearl - There is absolutely no Refund for Platform Pearl. It's a lot of work every single day to add readers to your Twitter Account and Email List. We will add real people who are readers and who buy books to your Twitter Account and Email List. We make absolutely no guarantee on whether or not they will buy your books. We strongly recommend testing once a month by promoting a book deal or a book release to them, using the Twitter account and Email list we are building for you, and measuring results. We do allow cancellation at the end of a month (please see cancellation policy)

Refund Policy for App & Website Packages

There is absolutely no Refund for App and Website Packages. It's a lot of work to build an entire app or an entire website. We will build your app or your website according to mutually agreed upon specifications. It will work, again, according to mutually agreed upon criteria. After the App or the Website is delivered to you in working condition, meeting the mutually agreed upon specifications, there is no Refund

Refund Policy for Subscription Packages

There is absolutely no Refund for Subscription packages

You can cancel at the end of any month. Cancellation is only at end of a particular month. Please email us at with 'Cancel Subscription' and your email address in the subject line and also written in the email

There are no refunds for Subscription Packages. It's a lot of work every single day to add readers to your Twitter Account and Email List. We will add real people who are readers and who buy books. We make absolutely no guarantee on whether or not they will buy your books

We strongly recommend testing once a month by promoting a book deal or a book release to them, using the Twitter account and Email list we are building for you, and measuring results

We do allow cancellation at the end of each month (please see cancellation policy)

Refund Policy for Consulting Packages

After you submit for a Consulting Package, we will first analyse and review your books and make a decision on whether or not we can help you

If we cannot help you, we will do a full refund

If we can help you, and the initial plan of action we send you is not to your liking, you can cancel for a $200 fee that covers the work we did analyzing your book (usually 3 to 6 hours of work). The amount you paid (minus $200 fee) will be refunded

If we proceed, after you agree to our initial plan of action, then there are no Refunds. Please do see our cancellation policy where you can cancel at the end of each month for certain Consulting Packages

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