Read Author Testimonials in Your Genre!

We have sold over $2.5 Million of Book Promotion Packages
We have worked with over 7,000 Authors and 65% become repeat customers

For 2020 we have only 4 disputes in 1,699 book promotion packages sold (0.24%). Screenshot showing our Low Dispute Rate in 2020

For 2021 we have only 5 disputes in 1,820 book promotion packages sold (0.27%). Screenshot showing our Low Dispute Rate in 2021

For 2022 we have only 1 dispute in 1,759 book promotion packages sold (0.06%). Screenshot showing our Low Dispute Rate in 2022

For 2023 we have only 3 disputes in 1,740 book promotion packages sold (0.18%). Screenshot showing our Low Dispute Rate in 2023

In January to November 2024 we have only 2 disputes in 1,193 book promotion packages sold (0.17%). Screenshot showing our Low Dispute Rate in 2024

We have 130+ Author Testimonials, categorized by Genre. Go to the Books Butterfly Testimonials & Reviews Page, pick your book genre from the dropdown, and see Testimonials from Authors in your Book's Genre. Who better than authors to show you the great results we will get you.

Testimonials from Authors

Top 29 Reasons You Should be Promoting Your Book with Books Butterfly

1) Immense Reach - Reach 4 Million+ Readers. Books Butterfly is a Top 2 Book Promotion Company with 4 Million+ Readers

2) Guaranteed Results - Books Butterfly offers you a prorated refund in store credit guarantee. We guarantee results for Free Book Promotions and for $0.99 Book Promotions.

3) We have sold over $1.9Million of Book Promotion Packages

4) #1 in Apps - Books Butterfly has the Biggest Book Promotion Apps with 3.35 Million App Downloads

5) Great Results - We are so confident in our results we offer a Prorated Refund in Store Credit Guarantee. 92% of authors who promote with us get good to great results.

92% of limited time Free Book Promotions hit the guaranteed figure or exceed it
92% of $0.99 Book Promotions hit the guaranteed figure or exceed it
90% of Free in All Stores Book Promotions hit the guaranteed figure or exceed it
95% of Box Set Promotions hit the guaranteed figure or exceed it

In the rare case your book promotion misses, we have a prorated refund in store credit. It never expires. You can use it on the same book or on one of your other books

6) We are Author focused. We have been curating books and connecting authors with readers since 2008

7) Our readers sometimes leave reviews for books they get. This varies by author - some authors get a good number of reviews, some get a few, and some don't get reviews. We'll be quite frank - if our readers like your book, they are likely to leave reviews. If they don't - they won't. It depends entirely on whether or not they like your books, and its outside our control.

8) Reach our 4 Million+ Readers with your book promotion. Some will get your book during the promotion. The rest will become aware of you as an author and will get your book the next time they see your book. They are far more likely to buy/borrow/download your books if they already know who you are

9) Our readers go on to buy your paid books, and borrow your KU books. 65% of Authors return to promote with us because of this.

10) Clarity & Transparency about numbers and figures. Each book promotion package specifies the number of book downloads and/or book sales we expect your book to get. We also specify, for guaranteed slots, the number of guaranteed book downloads and/or book sales you can expect

11) Prorated Refund in store credit if your book promotion doesn't hit the specified target. Please Note: Only free book promotions and $0.99 book promotions have a guarantee

12) Many Kindle Unlimited Readers. Your book promotion will reach approximately 50,000 Kindle Unlimited Readers, who will, provided they like your book, go on to borrow your remaining books if they are in Kindle Unlimited.

13) You reach the Exact sets of readers your book promotion is aimed at. In addition to combined lists, we have 20 genre specific apps and blogs and lists and 47 subgenre specific blogs. Your book promotion will reach the readers most likely to buy your paid books.

14) Reach a huge number of readers with our book promotion services. We have 4 Million+ Total Readers and 614,000+ Daily Active Readers

15) Follow-on Sales. Our readers go on to buy your remaining books, provided they liked your book. Please Note: Follow on sales happen over a period of weeks. Follow-on sales do not happen all in 1 or 2 days after your book promotion with us.

16) Perfect complement to your existing book promotion & marketing channels. We have lots of readers. We'll get your book in front of the ones interested in your book's genres. If our readers like your book they will get it. It's a win-win. Your book offer allows our readers to get a taste of your writing. You get to reach an immense number of readers interested in your book's genres. If they like your writing, they buy your books.

17) We're a trusted and effective book promotion site. 180+ NY Times Bestselling Authors, 140+ USA Today Bestselling Authors, National Book Award Winners, RITA Winners, Golden Heart Winners, Shamus Winners, and 7,000+ authors have promoted with us. 65% of them are repeat customers.

18) You will get the following benefits with your book promotion package with us - Sales, Follow-on Sales, KU Borrows for your other books, Visibility and Reach, Tail of increased paid book sales and free book downloads, the chance to become a genre bestseller, users signing up for your email lists.

19) We reach readers no one else reaches. We have 150+ blogs, websites, search sites, list sites, and other channels that reach readers no one else reaches. With your book promotion you reach a huge set of readers that are not available anywhere else

20) #1 in Android Book Apps - Books Butterfly has the biggest Android Book Promotion Apps with 1.35 Million+ App Downloads. Reach 1.35 Million+ Android readers right on their Android Tablets and Phones

21) #1 in Apple Book Apps - Books Butterfly has the biggest Apple Book Promotion Apps with 822,500+ App Downloads. Reach 822,500+ Apple readers right on their iPhones and iPads

22) Top 5 in Email Lists - Books Butterfly is a Top 5 Email Book Promotion Company with 310,890+ Email Subscribers

23) #1 in Windows Apps - Books Butterfly has the biggest Windows Book Promotion Apps with 549,768+ App Downloads

24) 120+ Daily Active Countries. Your book will reach readers in 120+ countries every single day. We even have dedicated blogs and sites for 11 countries outside the US - UK, Canada, India, Japan, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Germany. For UK, Canada, and India, we have 10,000+ daily active readers in each country

25) We look to ACCEPT Authors, not Reject them. We don't cherry pick books that are already doing well. We work on a First Come First Served basis, provided we think we can get you results. You can be confident that we won't reject you just to create a perception of exclusivity, or because Big 5 Publishers are willing to pay more, or because you aren't already a bestseller. Our raison d'etre is to connect authors with readers.

26) We are ENABLERS, not New Gatekeepers. Across all our sites and channels we help 300 to 400 authors every day. We do not limit access to our readers to Big Publishers and Big Companies and Big Publisher Published Authors.

27) We are completely independent and can focus on what's best for the future of books, for readers, for authors, and for ourselves

28) We are not an advertorial list. Smart readers figure out sooner or later that advertorial lists are sending them just a list of ads. No one wants to get a list of ads. Would you watch Television if it was nothing but ads? Then why expect readers to get their books from advertorial lists?

29) Finally, this might be a negative or a positive, depending on your perspective. We don't feature just one book per genre per day. We feature 5 to 20 books every day in each genre. The downside is that readers have choices and aren't forced to download your book due to the lack of options. The upside is that you know the reader CHOSE your book out of a competitive set of books and is more likely to buy your other books and become a reader for life.

You aren't just getting 'this reader chose my romance novel because it was the only romance novel that day'. You're getting readers that CHOSE YOU!

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