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Platform Packages
Platform Gold ($2,700 for 3 Months of Platform Building)
Platform Diamond ($5,000 for 6 Months of Platform Building)
Platform Pearl ($9,000 for 1 Year of Platform Building)
Growth Packages
Growth Gold ($1,500 for 3 Months of Growth)
Growth Diamond ($3,000 for 6 Months of Growth)
Growth Pearl ($4,500 for 1 Year of Growth)
App And Website Packages
Your Own Website ($1,500 for Your Own Website)
Your Apple App ($5,000 for Your Own Apple App)
Your Android App ($4,000 for Your Own Android App)
Website Pro ($4,000 for a Professional Quality Website)
Apple & Android Apps ($7,500 for Apple & Android Apps)
Website & Apple App ($7,500 for Website & Apple App)
Website & Apple & Android Apps ($10,500 for Website & Apps)
Subscription Packages
Subscription Core ($200 Monthly for 200 to 500 Readers)
Subscription Advanced ($400 Monthly for 400 to 1,000 Readers)
Subscription Pro ($800 Monthly for 800 to 2,500 Readers)
Subscription Enterprise ($1,600 Monthly for 1,600 to 5,000 Readers)
Consulting Packages
Consulting Gold ($1,000 for 1 Month of Consulting)
Consulting Diamond ($3,000 for 3 Months of Consulting)
Consulting Pearl ($5,000 for 6 Months of Consulting)
Consulting Max ($10,000 for 1 Year of Consulting)
Book Launch Consulting ($700 for Launch Consulting)
Author Platform Consulting ($1,200 for Platform Consulting)
Please Note: We have
Platform Packages
Growth Packages
App & Website Packages
Consulting Packages
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Subscription Packages
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